The Sun Will Shine Again

By Sharon Chiellini

Sometimes the Lord presses on my heart to write about a specific topic or subject and I have no idea why, but He is persistent so I obey. I pray that no one reading my blog walks away with the impression that I think I have all the answers because I'll be the first to admit that I most certainly do not. I am no more "together" than the next girl, and my life is far from perfect, but I have chosen to let God use me in my brokenness to make sure that others know how amazing God is and that they are not alone. It is most likely not by chance that you have stumbled onto my blog today, so grab yourself a hot cup of tea, preferably Chai, my personal favorite and pull up a chair and visit for awhile. We have a divine appointment you and me.

I encounter many hurting people on my life's journey and each one has their own story to tell. Maybe you are reading this and you are brokenhearted because your heart is aching for a lost love or perhaps at this very moment your family is being torn apart by divorce. Maybe you are broken financially and don't even know how you are going to feed your children tomorrow. Maybe your days are enveloped in fear from an emotionally or physically abusive relationship that you feel powerless to break free from. Perhaps you've received a medical diagnosis that has rocked your world and you realize how incredibly precious and short life is. Take heart my friend, I have been to all these dark places and many others at one time or another in my life. I have been there and I have seen it. I have felt it and tasted it, feared it, hated it and agonized over it and called out for deliverance from it. Trust me when I tell you that when the storm passes, which it will, you will see that it served a purpose and with a little faith the clouds will lift and the sun will shine again.

As much as I wish I could erase the painful memories of my past I would never wish to be the person that I would have been without them. The times of deep pain have taught me compassion and given me inner strength. The meager times have taught me how little I needed to be happy. Love withdrawn from me taught me to put my Savior first. Watching loved ones suffer taught me to let go and have faith. Facing death taught me not to fear it and peace amidst the storm taught me that I was not alone.

But for me the real battle has always been in the sheer torture of "Why me?...What did I do to deserve this?...Doesn't God love me?" Of course common sense tells us that we are victims of our own free will and that the choices we make today no matter how large or small, not only determine who we are but also who we will become. So some of the trials we face are because of our own stupidity but certainly not all of them. I assure you, not all of them. We live each and every day in a fallen world.

King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 9:11, 12 ....
The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all.
Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come:
As fish are caught in a cruel net,
or birds are taken in a snare,
so people are trapped by evil times 
that fall unexpectedly upon them.

Wow, read that several times to fully grasp it. Sometimes we are just caught in the net and it's not our fault. I have lost track of how many times I have blamed myself for things that were not my fault or felt punished for a crime I did not commit. Let's not forget good ol' Job. Wow, 42 chapters of torture for a man that was "blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil." Talk about bad things happening to good people! But don't forget, God restored Job and blessed him with more than he had in the first place.

So if you are looking for an anchor in the storm, call out to the Lord. He will hear you. I pray that you have not fallen victim to blaming Him for the storm you are in or harboring resentment toward Him. He is the one person that loves you more than you could ever dream or imagine. He is not the enemy, He is the savior who has already fought the fight for us. But He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. Isaiah 53:4-5

I have graciously been given wisdom in times of confusion and peace in times of utter turmoil and these things are offered to you as well. You are not alone during these difficult times but you have to reach out and ask for help and He is faithful to impart it, all it takes is a little faith. So swallow that last drop of tea and snuggle up with the Lord and have a nice long chat. He is waiting just for you my friend.

Until next time,
Strength and honor in Christ

Kari Jobe singing "Healer"
Dedicated to my sweet Sistah Becky.
I love you!
They will turn to the Lord, and He will
respond to their pleas and heal them. Isaiah 19:22

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